CCM edit: Termination of Midwife-client relationship-withdraw services – Rosanna G.Docs

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Section I – F –

TERMINATION ~ Midwife-Client Relationship & Withdrawal of Services

The licensed midwife shall terminate care of a client only in accordance with this section, unless a transfer of care results from an emergency situation.

A. Once a licensed midwife has accepted a client, the relationship is ongoing and the licensed midwife cannot refuse to continue to provide midwifery care to the client unless:

  1. Client has no need of further care
  2. Client terminates the relationship
  3. Client has a condition or develops a complications that AB 1308 legally prohibits the LM from continuing providing primary care
  4. Licensed midwife formally terminates the relationship based on other factors
  5. The licensed midwife may terminate care by:
  6. Providing a minimum of 14 days written notice, during which the licensed midwife shall continue to provide midwifery care to enable the client to select another health care provider
  7. Delivering written notice to the client by certified mail, including referrals to other appropriate caregivers or institutions
  8. Documenting the termination of care in midwifery records

B. After the onset of progressive labor, the licensed midwife shall withdraw only if s/he believes s/he is unable to care responsibly for the client and/or newborn and the client refuses to transfer. The licensed midwife shall:

  1. Document the relevant events
  2. Makes every attempt to ensure that the client is not left unattended, such as contacting a responsible family member, a physician, the paramedics, or other appropriate emergency personnel
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