CCM Title & Table of Contents


Standards of Practice, Protocols, Guidelines, & Minimum Practice Requirements for California Licensed Midwives

Characteristics of Clinical Competency associated with science-based maternity care as provided by professionally-licensed Community Midwives

Reviewed by Academic Advisors & Experienced Midwives


Standards of Practice

Administrative Obligations

Protocols & Policies

Criteria for Client Eligibility

Physician Consultation, Referral, & Transfer

Minimum Practices Requirements


California College of Midwives

State Chapter of the American College of Community Midwives


FOOTER → California College of Midwives Standards & Guidelines ~ Version 3

Original Publication ~ 2004; Most recent update January 2015; reflects requirements of AB 1308


HEADER → California College of Midwives Standards & Guidelines ~ Version 3

Section I – Standards of Practice & Guidelines ~ Updated January 2015

NOTE: The following body of standards, guidelines, policies, protocols and administrative duties for the independent practice of midwifery were specifically developed to provide guidance to and permit evaluation of care provided by members of the California College of Midwives. They are consistent with contemporary standards of care, guidelines, evidence-based recommendations that identify ‘best practices’ as published in the English language in the US, Canada and other other jurisdictions. A list of these contributing sources is included in the introductory

However, CCM standards and guidelines may be voluntarily adopted by any individual midwife, or other midwifery organizations may adapt them for use by their membership. In the latter case, please cite the CCM as the originating source, which in turn acknowledges all the previous contributors (click here to see list).


Table of Contents

Section I – Standards of Practice & Guidelines January 2015

Characteristics of Clinical Competency Associated with Science-based Maternity Care

Section I – A thru J: Basic foundation and principles for the physiologic management of normal pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and neonatal period by California licensed midwives

I A Definition of Physiological Management of Normal Labor & Birth ……………………………….. 3

I B Standards of Practice……………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

I C Midwife & Client Responsibilities…………………………………………………………………………….. 8

I D Medical Interface, Emergency Plan & Other Requirements of LMPA …………………………. 11

I E Record Keeping for Licensed…………………………………………………………………………………13

I F Termination of Midwife- Client Relationship & Withdrawal of Service …………………………..14

I G Prohibitions in the Practice of Midwifery…………………………………………………………………..15

I H Professional Relationships between Physicians & Licensed……………………………………… 16

I I Practice Protocols and Policies………………………………………………………………………………. 18

I J Protocols & Criteria for Moderate Risk Labor & Birth………………………………………………… 20

Section II – K thru N: Consultation, Referral, Transfer of Care & Minimum

Practice Requirements

II K Criteria for Client Selections ~ Eligibility for Community-based Childbirth Services……… 27

II L Safe Environment for Planned Home Birth…………………………………………………………….. 29

II M Equipment & Administration of Medication……………………………………………………………. 30

II N Emergency Care & Emergency Transfer……………………………………………………………….. 31

SECtiON III — O thru Z: Practice Guidelines for physiologically-based care in a non-medical setting during the antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum and neonatal period

III O Minimum Practice Requirements ~ Antepartum Care ………………………………………………32

III P Physician Consult and Transfer of Care ~ Antepartum Referral ……………………………….. 34

III Q Minimum Practice Requirements ~ Intrapartum Care ………………………………………………36

III R Physician Consult and Transfer of Care ~ Intrapartum Referral ……………………………….. 39

III S Minimum Practice Requirements ~ Postpartum Care ……………………………………………… 41

III T Physician Consult and Transfer of Care ~ Postpartum Referral ……………………………….. 43

III W Minimum Practice Requirements ~ Neonatal Care…………………………………………………. 44

III X Physician Consult and Transfer of Care ~ Neonatal Referral …………………………………….46

III Y Guidelines for Assessing the Neonate…………………………………………………………………… 48

III Z Instructions for Parents on Newborn Care……………………………………………………………… 51


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