**NEWLY POSTED CATEGORY** ~ Link to CCM Technical Bulletins on IA & EFM
Rosanna CCM’s 2nd version -51-pages of the “Standard of Care” [2004]
Original Standards of Care for California Licensed Midwives {SCCLM} ~ Sept 15, 2005 [3rd edition] as authorized by SB 1950 (Senator Figueroa, 2002)
Current version of the SCCLM as edited by the MBC after passage of AB 1308 and renamed “Practice Guidelines for California Licensed Midwives”
California Code of Regulations – VBAC – Section 1379.19
California College of Midwives’ formal definition of a “Planned Home/OOH birth” for purposes of statistical studies or tracking of PHB-OOH outcomes
California College of Midwives’ “Incident Report” — instruction in how and why to report any unusual occurrence or ‘incident’ that occurs relative to the LM’s provision of care, including problematic communication btw the LM and hospital personnel or the obstetrician providing care to a transferred OOH mfry client.
Physiological Management ~ iBirth.org